National Archives Timor-Leste IP. (ANTL) Performs formation and forming of a total of 300 people in year 2021

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Training in the Current Archive and the Vital Archive in the PNDS Ermera Room.

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Establishment Agency News Timor-Leste: Challenge and Opportunities

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According to history, the National Archive has taken a range of actions to collect or collect and preserve the remaining records.

Welcome to the ends Archives for Timor-Leste National Visitors.

We work for you! We talk to you! Vision archive is the pillars of transparency and public administration and collective memory of the nation; also the country’s identity and culture of historical documents. Mission archives is evidence of accountability, organizational performance and instrument records in valid evidence, preserves archive as collective memory in national identity within the framework of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste, provides public access to archives to benefit the government, development, research also science for the well-being of all according to laws and rules of archives, an organization with modern functioning, seen in the improvement of functioning with an adequate form to serve the state and citizen.

General Director of the  Nationl Archieve Timor-Leste (DG-ANTL)

Sr. Manuel Soares Tilman


Archives is the pillar of transparency and public administration and the collective memory of the nation, also the country’s identity and culture of the historic documents.


Archives is evidence of accountability, organizational performance and instrument records in valid evidence, preserves archive as collective memory in national identity within the framework of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste

We are working with you!

We count on you!

Short History

In 1999, ending a long period of Indonesian occupation (1975-1999), a time to rebuild the nation; in 2000, the first team of work was recruited and the documentation began to be collected together. From various buildings the documentation of the Indonesian Administration was issued. The headquarters of the National Archive were extended to the International Force Quarter in Timor-Leste INTERFET (International Force in East Timor), in Caicoli, as the current building of the National Archive of Timor-Leste, in August 2004.


Timor-Leste national archives (antl) are intrigued in the ministry of state administration, as the central government body responsible for the design, execution, coordination and evaluation of policies, for the areas of local power, administrative decentralization, local and rural development.


To ensure the services assigned by the Constitutional Government, ANTL establishes an appropriate structure to implement the services and execute the budget based on the Annual Action Plan (AAP) planned by the Ministry of State Administration (MAE) and reports the work progress as a measure of the performance of the National Archive each year.

The National Archive is a General Directorate submitting the Services of Indrect Administration to the Ministry of State Administration (MAE), responsible for the recovery, maintenance and storage of historical and official documents of the country, pursuant to Decree-Law no. 07 / 2013 of 22 May, the Law organizing the Ministry of State Administration, Article 29 and also Decree-Law no. 4 / 2017 of 22 March, Organic Statute of the National Archive of Timor-Leste, Article 6.

The National Archive of Timor-Leste (ANTL) is an indirect administration responsible for all services and supported by the implementation of the ANTL programme and activities under the ministry and aligned with the VIII Constitutional Government program.

The National Archive is the central directorate of the state led by the General Director. The General Director, as the Superior Director, directs ANTL in response to the Minister of State Administration with all his powers to issue directives intended by any director or head of ANTL or public collective person exercising his or her decision-making power, establishes the necessary committees and groups to ensure adequate coordination of the ANTL services bodies to provide services to the public with the quality defined in Article 6 and Decree-Law No. 4 / 2017 of 22 March.

Office Location

ANTL, Caicoli

Open Hours

M-F: 8am – 5.30pm

